A Chronicle of Renewal and Revival

Archive for November, 2015

Helping in Myanmar/Burma

1412 JMemD speak guitar

Son Jonathan with his children Dante and Jemimah in Yangon

“My involvement in the country has been to help facilitate the care of orphans and abandoned children.”

Jonathan with orphans and needy kids

Jonathan with orphans and needy kids

“So, with others, we have built homes, installed pumps and water purifiers, paid for food, clothing, medical care and education.”

Jonathan and Jemimah & Dante with Zo Min, a teacher in Yangon

Jonathan and Jemimah & Dante with Zo Min, a teacher in Yangon

This year my 3 adult children and most of my grandchildren will have served and helped in Myanmar/Burma and 5 of them go this December. Click link for more details and email me (geoffwaugh2@gmail.com) if you’d like to help. Australian ANZ bank details: Geoffrey Waugh Mission Account, BSB 014249, Ac. 5647 11123 (Swift code: ANZBAU3M).

Orphans & needy kids' first visit to a restaurant - $2 each!

Orphans & needy kids’ first visit to a restaurant – $2 each!

Jonathan’s post

See my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/geoff.waugh1

In the 1990 sham election run by the junta, Aung San Suu Kyi won almost 80% of the seats. The election was annulled and Aung San Suu Kyi put under house arrest for 20 years. Twenty five years later, the move towards democracy has seen a new election take place this past weekend. The military gave themselves 25% of the seats, opened the rest for public vote, and created a rule that would disqualify Aung San Suu Kyi from being elected. Despite these obstacles, it looks like her party is even more popular than in 1990 and able to accept office.

I’ve been in Myanmar every Christmas for the past 7 years and seen extensive social changes over that time. Improvements in the roads, vehicles, buildings and society. SIM cards went from costing over $2000 to under $2. I remember looking at my interpreter in disbelief when told a SIM card was more than $1000. What? I was sure they got the conversion from Kyats to dollars wrong.

My involvement in the country has been to help facilitate the care of orphans and abandoned children. Children so easily become helpless victims of poverty. Simply because of where I was born, I have resources that can help. So, with others, we have built homes, installed pumps and water purifiers, paid for food, clothing, medical care and education.

As I return this year, I am looking forward to visiting the kids I know in seven different orphanages. Playing games and having a laugh while concentrating on developing their education. Not only can a well-educated person escape poverty, they can help many other people reach the same heights. So I’d love to start some schools. It’s not something I can do on my own. If you would like to help, I’d like to hear from you.

In her speech, Aung San Suu Kyi noted the often overlooked and misunderstood concept of the servant leader. So often, we want to be in charge and run things our way. I was reminded of the most amazing person in history, the servant-King. See link on my Facebook page.

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Update on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu

Mission on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu, South Pacific

Some of the signs of revival we have seen include a whole mountain ‘on fire’ one night during revival meetings at their Bible School, witchcraft items revealed then removed and destroyed by prayer teams, everyone prayed for in ‘custom’ villages healed, and angels filling a village church with songs in the night in a small village where the worship had been strong, lasting for many hours.  Everyone prayed for there was healed and all unbelievers repented during the worship and many were baptized.

Noel & Judith Missingham and family with Christine Beattie return this December to work with Pastor Rolanson.

Photo Report – Andrew and others on Mission in Vanuatu:

Photo report – Grant Shaw on Mission in Vanuatu:

Photo Report – Joel Shaw and team on Mission in Vanuatu:

Photo Report – previous teams in Vanuatu:

Andrew surfingAndrew surfing

Andrew Chee from Hawaii lived to surf.  Now he lives to serve – for God [Photo: Andrew surfing].

See more photos on the Facebook Album

21 year old Andrew came with me on a three week mission to Vanuatu in June-July 2012 (and again two years later in 2014 and again in 2015 with Ben Gray and Noel Missingham – see below).  A great way to escape winter!  We saw God’s blessing and many miracles. 

Andrew sensed God telling him to go on the trip, and he booked his flights only one week before we left when flights were full because of school holidays.  At first he was wait-listed but the next day a seat became available on all my four flights!

169 Adnrew Grant

His cousin Grant Shaw came with me to Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands in 2006 when he was 22.  See photos on the Facebook Album

Now Grant is the pastor at Kingdom Culture Church on the north side of Brisbane.  He encouraged Andrew to join me [Photo: Andrew and Grant].

Grant and his wife Emma hit the news in 2012 with a front page article in the Sunday Mail and guest appearances on TV shows because they take keen young people to nearby shopping malls and pray for the sick and for anyone wanting prayer.  Grant’s brother Joel, also a pastor, began doing this kind of outreach some years previously.  Joel and Grant saw God heal hundreds of people, especially non-Christians.  Many of those prayed for are now keen Christians also.

Andrew loves praying for the sick because he sees God constantly taking away pain and healing people.  He has strong faith in God’s Word, such as Mark 16:17-18.  Jesus said, “these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; … they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

We saw all that in Vanuatu, literally.  Daily.  Both in 2012 and 2014 with Andrew, as well as in 2006 with Grant and 2013 with his brother Joel and his team from Glory City Church in Brisbane – see Photo Reports listed above.

See photos and maps on the Facebook Album  Huge numbers were healed, and leaders challenged and helped.


Port Vila

We flew into Port Vila late on a Friday night and stayed at the Churches of Christ transit house above the church there.  Next morning at 6am we heard young people worshiping in their beautiful island harmonies, so joined them.  They welcomed us and invited us to speak briefly and pray for anyone sick.  Andrew had words of knowledge about people with pain who then came out for prayer immediately.  Our praying continued for everyone wanting prayer after the closing prayer.  Nice fast start to mission!

That morning we flew for an hour in a very small plane on the windy trip to Pentecost Island – the bumpiest I have had on my dozen visits there.  Fortunately we only had time for one bread roll at the airport before leaving, so did not get sick! 

I went to Pentecost Island first in 2003 to see their famous land diving, when men dive from 20-30 meter towers with only vines tied to their ankles.  Chief Willie, my host, invited me to return with teams of young people from the Law School Christian Fellowship of the University of the South Pacific.  I had met them in 2002 and hosted a month’s mission trip they had with me in Australia that year.

So now I was returning again, with another keen young firebrand for God.


Pentecost Island

This long, narrow island was sighted and named on the Day of Pentecost, 1764, by explorer Bougainville, and also seen by Captain Cook in 1774.

Pastor Rolanson met us at the airstrip and we walked 300 meters to the beach to ride for half an hour in the outboard canoe 10k south to Pangi village.  There Rolanson’s sons met us to carry our bags along the muddy track half a kilometer inland to their village, Panlimsi. 

I stayed there many times, including with Grant in the bush house behind Andrew and Rolanson in this photo.  Rolanson, pastor and evangelist, keeps asking us to return to encourage revival, pray for people, and help him train leaders.

We had our first meeting there that Saturday night in the village church, partially lit by a couple of old fluorescent lights when the generator was started, usually after everyone has arrived – to save fuel!  So most meetings begin in the dark with torch light or candles.

Early in the worship Andrew again had words of knowledge about people’s pain so worship included praying for the sick.  Their pain left.  After we both spoke that night, we prayed for many more.

So began a week of such night meetings at Panlimsi.  During the day we rested, recovered, washed in the nearby river where water taro grew abundantly, and usually walked back to Pangi to swim in the ocean.  Every time we went out into the villages people asked for healing prayer. 

So like Jesus sending out the 12 and 70 (Mark 6:7; Luke 10:1) in pairs, we too went through the towns and villages proclaiming the kingdom of God, healing the sick and casting out spirits.  Many illnesses there result from curses or witchcraft.  Often we had to break curses, bind afflicting spirits and cast them out in Jesus’ name. 

They very first time I went there, in 2003, my host Chief Willie asked me to throw out an afflicting spirit giving him a headache, literally.  He said that ‘enemies’ had cursed him.  So we prayed together, bound and cast out attacking spirits, and he felt fine.

At other times people asked me to help them get rid of strong invading spirits such as one that haunted a house by ‘jumping’ onto the stones on the floor at night.  We prayed and it was gone after that.  However, that impudent one ‘jumped’ on the stones in my bungalow that night, so I had to cast it out in Jesus’ name, and it never returned.  Rather weird to hear someone/something ‘jump’ into your dark room at night!

This time we experienced strong witchcraft.  On our last day there, when Andrew and I were weary, Andrew was hit by severe aches and headache.   That night I saw a strange dull light, like a reddish torch light, moving horizontally just outside our village hut.  We began praying against powerful spirits.  God’s Spirit reminded Andrew to bless those who curse you and pray for your enemies.  He did.  The strange spiritual connection was immediately broken, and pain started easing off.  It took a day to recover from that one.  “All hail the power of Jesus’ name …”

One Sunday there we shared in a combined churches service in the packed Panlimsi church.  Before the service Andrew had words of knowledge about pain in a man’s shoulders and the right side of a woman’s face.  Both came for prayer as people were gathering in the church.  It turned out that the man was the leader of the service and the woman preached that day!  Many times, the words of knowledge Andrew received, we discovered later, were for pastors and leaders, and then later we prayed for others.

At that Sunday service I was strongly led to call people out for prayer during communion.  That was a first for them.  It never happened in communion.  A large number came for prayer and healings were fast and strong.

Andrew washes chief's feet
Andrew washes chief’s feet

One night Andrew felt led to wash everyone’s feet.  That took the whole service!  We put a bucket of water near the door (regularly refilled) and Andrew washed everyone’s feet as they arrived while we worshiped, prayed, spoke and called people out for healing and empowering prayer.  I was led to wash the leaders feet that night also [Photo: Andrew washes the chief’s feet].  That happened again in 2014 – following Jesus’ example.

Our adventures included another outboard motor canoe trip an hour north for a combined churches youth rally on the beach with a large campfire at the end of the meeting.  We joined forces with another mission team from Gladstone staying there.  That night we also prayed for many people after the service.  Healings were the fasted and strongest we had seen till then.



The ‘custom’ village of Bunlap on the east coast is famous as the spiritual centre for native witchcraft and curses.

I went there in 2006 with Grant on a five hour trek across to Ranwas village and then via Bunlap on a seven hour trek to Ponra village where we saw the power of God at every meeting and I head angels singing in the night, like the church was full, although no people were there.  Grant had prayed for the paramount chief’s son whose groin was healed at Pangi village, so we offered to go to Bunlap and pray for the sick.  A couple of days later we heard that the chief had invited us to come and pray – the first white people to ever be invited to pray for people there.

This time Andrew and I were swimming off the jetty near Pangi when one of chief’s sons from Bunlap and his friends wandered onto the jetty.  Two of those young men had pain so Andrew prayed for them and the pain left.  The chief’s son told us they would be there when we came to Bunlap the following Saturday to pray for sick people again.

This year we enjoyed the luxury of a four-wheel drive truck trip across the island through the dense green mountains.  We had three nights of meetings at Ranwas village, Friday to Sunday, including the Sunday morning service there.  On Saturday we trekked half an hour through the jungle to Bunlap.

People were even more welcoming this time at Bunlap.  We prayed for dozens of people, and their pain left.  We talked about the kingdom of God and how Jesus saves and heals.  Some of the people told us they believed that and when the chief allowed it they would be part of a church there. 

The paramount chief once burned a Bible given to him by a revival team from the Christian villages.  Now he is willing for a church to be built on the ground where he burned the Bible.   Hallelujah – what a testimony to God’s grace and glory.

For the first time ever that paramount chief asked for prayer.  He wanted healing from head pain.  Andrew placed his hands on the sides of the chief’s head and we prayed for him in Jesus’ name.  The pain left.

Mision team prayed for a paramount chief in Vanuatu

Pastors Willy, Gordon, Rolanson with Andrew and the chief (seated)

Then another chief there prepared lunch for us so the pastors in the team and Andrew and I ate in his house – again the firs time ever for white people on mission there.

Like Jesus’ disciples, we returned to Ranwas church rejoicing that afflicting spirits were cast out, people were healed in Jesus name, some believed in Jesus, and they now want plan to have a church there.  Our host chief told Rolanson he can bring his guitar and have meetings in the chief’s house anytime.

Some Christians at Ranwas were amazed to hear the reports.  They have endured witchcraft and curses from Bunlap for a century.  Again, during communion on Sunday large numbers came for prayer for healing, and healing were fast and strong.  They had never done that in communion before.  At all the meetings Andrew had specific words of knowledge abut healings, and pain left quickly.  In the beginning we had to pray for some people two or three times before the pain left, but as the weeks passed and faith rose, healings were much quicker and stronger.  By the end of the mission trip people in the congregation were praying for each other in faith and seeing God touch their friends.

Andrew especially encouraged leaders to pray with him for people’s healings, just as he had learned from leaders in his church.  Soon those village leaders and others were praying more strongly in faith.  Many of them do that constantly anyway, so we were just encouraging them to believe and take authority in Jesus’ name even more fully.

We returned to Ranwas village, and Bunlap vilage in 2014, with similar results.  The sick were healed.  Hearts were opened to faith in Jesus.

In 2014 we also spoke and prayed with many people at the Indpendence Celebrations held every 24th July for a week.  Many responded, and many youth came for prayer during out time there.  We slept one night with a local football team and woke up to them singing:

For I was made in His likeness
Created in His image
For I was born to serve the Lord
And I can’t deny Him
And I will always walk beside Him
For I was born to serve the Lord.

I challenged them all to live fully this way and the whole team responded in prayer.

Some of the signs of revival we have seen include a whole mountain ‘on fire’ one night during revival meetings at their Bible School, witchcraft items revealed then removed and destroyed by prayer teams, everyone prayed for in ‘custom’ villages healed, and angels filling a village church with songs in the night in a small village where the worship had been strong, lasting for many hours.  Everyone prayed for there was healed and all unbelievers repented during the worship and many were baptized.


The largest island in Vanuatu is Espiritu Santo (usually just called Santo) with Luganville the second largest town in Vanuatu, after Port Vila the capital.  That’s the island where Pedro Fernandes de Queiros in 1606 named the island group La Austrailia del Espiritu Santo – the great south lands of the Holy Spirit, from which Australia gets its name.

We flew from Pentecost Island to Santo Island on a Wednesday and from Santo back to Brisbane, via Port Vila, on the Friday.  At Santo we stayed for two nights in the Churches of Christ transit house near the main church.  We had time to relax, eat café or restaurant meals, instead of village fare, and swam in one of the Blue Pools, a unique tourist attraction where the fresh water is a cool, clear bright blue.

There I met again two of their leading pastors who had worked with me in previous visits to Vanuatu, and we were invited to the youth meeting at the church on Thursday night, our last night in Vanuatu.

What a beautiful end to the mission trip.  About 30 youth practiced a new song to sing on Sunday, and the leader invited us to speak briefly and pray for them.  Again, Andrew’s words of knowledge proved to be first for their leaders who were immediately healed.  Then we prayed for other needs and finally asked all who wanted to be filled with Spirit and empowered by God to come out.  Everyone came!  What a wonderful atmosphere of faith and expectation.

We went to our beds rejoicing in the goodness of God and all we had seen him do in three weeks with the warm, friendly and faith-filled people of Vanuatu.   We especially appreciate your prayers and participation in the work of gospel of Jesus in Vanuatu.
Port Vila

On our return via the capital, Port Vila, last year (2014) Andrew was led to arrange for a hydro-electric plant to be shipped to Pentecost Island, to use in Panlimsi with Pastor Rolanson.  It’s much better for their lighting and band for revival meetings.  They held a national revival conference there on Pentecost Island in December 2014.

2015 Update


I’m just back from a good time in Vanuatu, though tiring – reminds me I’m approaching 80! Great to have 3 young fellows full of energy and zeal, Andrew Chee (3rd time there, and he was with me in Nepal and Thailand last year), his friend Ben Gray, and my nephew-in-law Noel Missingham – see the Facebook Album. Pastor Rolanson has been the main organiser of my visits to Pentecost Island for over 12 years and I often stay in his village. This time Rolanson came to Vila the first week we were there so we stayed in Vila a week with contacts given to Noel. Rolanson is standing as MP for Pentecost in the national elections next June (many not happy about a pastor/evangelist doing that – but he could be a strong influence!). So we joined with a new church group there and had free accommodation as well. The boys loved praying for people in the streets and seeing immediate healings, and we were taken out by church people on 3 days to pray for many, including the Paramount Chief of Port Vila in his island village!

We had a good week on Pentecost staying with Elder Jackson and wife Annette (works in bank) in their house near the beach at Pangi as Rolanson stayed on in Vila with government stuff. The team prayed for healings every day and in all the night meetings. Night meetings in four different villages: Panlimsa, Hotwater, Wali and Pange, were all strong with personal prayers for healings, anointing, empowering and mission. See South Pentecost map on the Facebook album:

It was a time of building them up again. Everyone who was prayed for about their healing reported that the pain had gone – quickly. I left some of the treks into the mountains to the young men this time, and Andrew and Noel returned and prayed for the ‘custom’ paramount chief not only for healings in the village but for his salvation. He indicated that he wanted to give his life to God and open all the ‘custom’ villages to evanglism.  Two ‘custom’ chiefs opened their villages for healing prayers and evangelism.
Noel and Andrew pray with the 'custom' paramount chief for healing and salvation
Noel and Andrew pray with the ‘custom’ paramount chief for healing and salvation

Noel and his family return to Pentecost Island this December with Christine Beattie to combine their holiday with working with Pastor Rolanson again.

We had a few days at Santo on our return. Ps Lewis (who hosted my time teaching at the Bible College in 2004-5) is there in the main office as director of mission. We had a few days to relax on Sunny Santo.

Solomon Islands

In August 2015 I returned to Honiara in the Solomon Islands with two young ladies from the Kingdom Culture Church in Brisbane, Flora Meir and Sarah Feeney.

Calvin Ziru (one of the team of law students who came to Brisbane in 2002) is helped to co-ordinate with various churches in meetings arranged by Pastor Alpheus.  We had meetings in different churches every night as well as in some home groups.  We prayed for many people each day with many being healed and empowered. Flora Meir from Kingdom Culture Church is the South Pacific supervisor for the Global Development Group (GDG) and was able to help people there in Honiara and also in Vanuatu plan for self-sustaining projects.  We value your prayer support – even now as you read this! I have truly appreciated your support in these mission trips over the years, and it looks like God keeps opening the way for more.

If you would like to help financially my Australian ANZ mission account is

Geoffrey Waugh, BSB 014249, Ac. 5647 11123.
ANZ Swift Code is ANZBAU3M

You can donate directly here with GoFundMe

With appreciation for your prayers and support,

Geoff Waugh

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Jesus Invaded a Buddhist Monastery

MonksTyler Connell, is currently in the Himalayan Mountains distributing Bibles, praying for the sick, and preaching the Good News. “We hope to get a Bible in every home in the next two years,” Tyler said. “It’s exciting to be a small part in changing history in Nepal with God!”
Tyler and his team trekked to a village called Jhong, one of the highest villages in Nepal.“We wanted desperately to know where the Spirit was wanting us to go,” he recounted.
They split into groups of four and prayed for the Holy Spirit to direct their paths. Tyler’s group felt led to walk to the highest point of the village where they observed ancient ruins. At the moment they reached the peak, a monk appeared, smiling as he approached them.
“Hi, I’m Jems,” he said in perfect English. “We’ve been watching you guys; it is rare for anyone foreign to come to our village. Would you like to come inside our monastery?”
Tyler sensed it was a God-moment. They entered the monastery and were met by men and boys of all ages, studying under “the llama of the Monastery mountain.” They met the llama and continued to converse with their new friend, Jems, who studied under the Dalai Llama in India and learned English there.
“We are followers of Jesus” Tyler told the monk.
“I once heard of Jesus in India, but wasn’t able to do any reading on who He was,” the man replied.
“Can we introduce you to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus?” one asked.
“He said yes and put out his hands,” Tyler recounts. Suddenly the power and peace of God descended, his eyes got big, he began to take steps back, and began to laugh and shake his head in disbelief. “He said he’d never felt a peace or power like this. We gave him a Bible, and he insisted we come back in the morning to meet the other monks.”
Twelve hours later Tyler and his team returned. Jems said he wasn’t able to spend time with them because he had errands to run, but he invited them to meet with the other monks. They entered the monastery and were met by a monk in his late 20s.
“He invited us into the idol room, the ‘holy of holies’ for the monastery. It was dark and heavy, perfect ingredients for the Gospel to break into!” Tyler recounts.
As they sat down, one of the team received a word that someone in the monastery was injured. The man’s eyes widened. “Yes, I am injured and my back is in pain!” he replied.
They asked if they could pray for him in the name of Jesus for healing and the monk agreed. As they began to pray, a “sweet, heavy glory filled the idol room.” The man had the same experience as Jems. “I feel a peace and a power like never before!” the monk exclaimed. “It feels as though this major blessing has entered into me.”
He tested his back and discovered he was completely healed, saying it felt like a “hot and icy sensation” covered his body. The monk said he had heard of Jesus 15 years ago, when a man came to his village and told stories about Jesus, but he couldn’t read, so he didn’t fully understand who Jesus was.
“Thankfully, we had a translator and she explained the entire Gospel to him and gave him a Bible. He was grinning from ear to ear, and was so thankful, and told us he wanted to read more and was going to pray and ask Jesus to reveal Himself to him. We were overjoyed at the kindness of Jesus. We handed out more Bibles to monks and joyfully skipped down the mountain remembering with gratitude the day Jesus invaded a Buddhist monastery!”
Source: God Reports
Australian Prayer Network, Nov 2, 2015

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